* Do you have mentors and mentees in your organisation who would benefit from some extra support in their role?

* Are you a mentor or a mentee who would appreciate this support?

* Do you coordinate a mentoring programme and would appreciate finding out how other people and organisations are doing this?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be interested in joining The Mentoring Community on Facebook.

For a while now I have wanted to create a community where people engaged in and passionate about mentoring can collaborate, share ideas, thoughts, experiences, strategies, and challenges – everything that mentoring can involve.

Whichever role you are in, it can sometimes feel like you are working in isolation, and this can become demotivating and at times frustrating.

The Mentoring Community has been established to give you a sense of connection with others involved in mentoring, providing the interaction that can sometimes be missing in your mentoring programme. The Community creates two critical components that will support you: Knowledge and Network.

Other benefits you can realise from joining us include:

  • Access to a source of new ideas and concepts
  • Idea stimulation
  • Grow your mentoring practice
  • Challenge and develop your ideas
  • Learn from others
  • Try out new concepts and approaches
  • Stretch your thinking about mentoring

If you relate to any or all of the above and you would like to network with other like-minded people interested in mentoring – Click here to join ‘The Mentoring Community’ on Facebook.